Monday 3 September 2012

Kia Kaha Christchurch

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the first big earthquake that hit Christchurch and changed all of our lives.

Although the event feels like it was yesterday, we know that we can cope with anything that Mother Nature can throw at us.

Today we reflected on the feelings that we still feel about the earthquakes and OUR city, Christchurch. Together we have created this broken heart that contains all our emotions.

Our Messages of Hope:
Cam, Taylor, Leo  -  LOVE

Jenaya, Jamie leigh, Renee - We Believe.  All of our hearts are chipped but we still believe in ourselves.  We can take anything Mother Nature throws at us, and we mean ANYTHING!

Josh, Ethan G, Bailey - We wil stay strong no matter what Mother Nature throws at us, no matter what it is.

Lina, Cushla, Piper, Aya - Kia Kaha Christchurch. Stand up and be strong.  We can do this.

Christian, Ethan P and Logan - Christchurch is destined to rise up again.

Hayley, Ella, Lauren - We hope that Christchurch will rise up and we will be our old selves again.  We hope that we are all strong and work together to rebuild Christchurch.  Kia Kaha, Christchurch.

Sam, Xyron, Ryan - Fear, sadness, anger; all of these emotions merging into one.  Hope, courage, love; all of these rise from the quake, it is unforgettable.  We have come so far.  Kia Kaha, Christchurch.

Maddi, Sarah, Reese - Kia Kaha, be strong.  Be brave.  All this stuff is broken.  Be strong.  We can cope with anything that Mother Nature throws at us because we are AWESOME!


  1. Wow - love all the positive messages to ChCh. Your broken heart and all the meaningful words in it are awesome. Stay strong Room 22 :)

    1. Love the heart shaped words and wonderful messages Anthea
